Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan was inaugurated on 31-07-2021 at at KAS OFFICERS ASSOCIATION #1/1,Infantry Road (Near Police Commissioners Officer) Bangaluru 560001 in the presence of Bangalore DC.
It is flagship programme launched by the Department of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India. This is a campaign against substance abuse.
A total of 272 high burden districts are selected under NMBA, which includes 6 districts from Karnataka State viz.,Bangalore Urban, Ramanagar, Mysore, Kolar, Kodagu and Udupi districts.
NASHA MUKT BHARAT CAMPAIGN BANGALORE URBAN DISTRICT drugs awareness programme was organized by NGO CADMS TRUST AND TEAM on 07/08/2021 at 12.00pm at ECHO –Sumanahalli village society, Total 50 members were gather in this awareness programme.
In continuation of activities conducted on 23/09/2021 from 11 am to 1 pm at Government Observation Home
Observation homes meant for the temporary reception of any juvenile in conflict with the law during the pendency of any inquiry against him/her. The apprehended children are normally detained under probation up to 4 months in these Observation Homes.
An awareness has conducted on 20/09/2021 from 12 am to 1 pm at RECEPTION CENTER, DEPARTMENT OFWOMEN AND CHILD
It is a short stay home for refugees from different countries like Bangladesh and remand cases from police stations and court for the victims of sexual abuse. The program was presented by Mr. Nischal B H, Deputy Director, DEPARTMENT OF WOMEN AND CHILD DEVOLPMENT.
The program was conducted for 25 inmates, 5staffs and another 5 volunteers. Awareness on drugs, substance, Health & Hygiene, Menustrual Hygiene and Behavioural management by Mrs. Manjula and Mrs. Shubha Prakash.
Nasha Mukt Bharat Campaign - Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
#CA11,Sir M Vishweshwaraiah layout 9 th Block Mallathahalli Bangalore Karnataka 560056
Ph: 9900028325 ,9611240025